LITTLE MAY GOLD – Development 2022/2023 Project

What sets Little May Gold apart from most projects?

The ore is readily available at surface in large quantities and is easily accessible. This saves millions in development and provides very near term profitability. 

Location: The Little May Group is set in the western foothills of the Bradshaw Mountains in a well known gold rich area near the Hassayampa River of Arizona. It is located primarily on Arizona state land. It has been located, staked and approved for exploratory mining on a mineral lease with the Arizona Land Trust. Feasibility:  Bulk exploration will help plan for a larger operation in the future. I have already verified by my own feet, hands and eyes through exploration and ore testing that there is visible free Milling gold and sulfides readily available starting at the surface in several locations across the property. Historical reports and by my own surveying the reserve is to be at least 925,000 tons of enriched ore at an average of 10 GPT. Geology & Mineralization: Within the canyon, erosion has presented an at surface ore body, which I have personally observed and visually documented, consisting of massive 2-4 foot red wine stained and highly mineralized quartz containing free milling gold, silver and sulfides. (documented by Mr. Fisher and Engineer B.W. Brown personal site visit. (1944)) The geology of mineralization is Bradshaw Granite, monzonite porphyry, with diabase and rhyolite dikes. Veins are quartz showing traces of Galena, Copper, Vanadium, free Gold associated with iron pyrite and brown hematite. (Harry Fisher December 14, 1946) The well-known mines of Octave and Congress are 6 miles and 12 miles westerly respectively. These mines were in ore production to depths of more than 2,000 feet below the surface. Due to the declivity and erosion the vein is prospected to a depth of 600 to 800 feet on the incline or dip at the westerly end into the Hassayampa River Canyon.  “About 24 samples assayed at various locations showed values principally in gold ranging from .01 of an ounce to 2 ounces per ton.” B.W. Brown – Field Engineer 1944 I, Eric Schultz, explored and photographed 3 adits below the rim of the canyon. The width of the vein is 1 – 4 feet and the verified visible range from the canyon declivity at 600 feet below primary surface of claims to the easterly visible vein indicates an ore body in excess of 925,000 tons. Little-May-Gold-Canyon-ViewGeneral Landscape Little May Group Bradshaw Mtns Near Congress Az. Hassayampa River is 1000 feet below this position on the west edge of the lease area. Little May Gold Vein4-5 foot thick ore body – wife inside 1 of 3 20 foot test adits: Excavated by Mr. Fisher(presumably) little-may-gold-quartz-samples-aditAbove Images are characteristic ore throughout the property. Little-May-GoldLittle May appx <10 pound sample crushed, ground, panned.  As mentioned, 2 non-commercial bulk samples were taken out of the property by Mr. Fisher. The easterly sample ran 1 OPT and the westerly sample ran .5 OPT.  I personally have viewed the material from these areas and have witnessed the mineralization and visible free gold by milling and panning small grab samples as described by B.W. Brown – Field Engineer: “The quartz shows finely divided gold in vugs of limonite and hematite”. The above information regarding geology and values has been verified by myself: Eric Schultz, Claim Owner/State Of AZ Mineral Lessee – Schultz Resource Management. Presence of values is also constituted from documentation and reports by Mr. Harry Fisher – Former Owner, B.W. Brown – Field Engineer, A. Macfarlane – AZ Field Engineer, Arthur Clark – Mining Engineer.  A copy of the historical reports and writings are available upon request. In moving forward as of December 2, 2022, I have been approved for a mineral exploration lease on approximately 70 acres with the Arizona State Land Trust to bulk sample the entirety of the property during the 2022 mining season January-April and into perpetuity as my legacy. Details of winter 2023 proposed development: The road needs to be partially improved in sections where erosion has made it impassable by vehicle. Initially I will improve the road for vehicle and dump truck access in order to transport bulk samples of up to 200 ton of ore from several existing and new targets throughout the property.  Ore will be transported to and processed by a processing company TBD in AZ or NV.. Summary & Conclusion: Property will require further sampling, geophysical exploration and drilling. All presently available characteristics imply the following assumption: 925,000 Tons x $500 (appx. 1/3 OPT) = $462,500,000 (assuming $500 per ton of ore) So far the ore is looking like ½ OPT. Available On Request:  2023 BULK SAMPLE PROJECT 2023 BULK SAMPLE MAP/DIAGRAM LEGAL DISCLAIMER CLICK HERE